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Carlitos 22.11.14, 14:41:31


Carlitos am 22.11.14, 14:41:31
Statistics .Figures for bisexuality from surevys vary considerably. Self-identification in the case of bisexuals can range from people who have same sex attraction but never or seldom act on it, to people who have maintained long term relationships with both sexes. How solid the figure is depends on how carefully the definition was crafted. The report you cite defines bisexuality as attraction to both sexes, and the capacity for intimacy with both genders.Sorry, this is a worthless definition. Katy Perry isn't bi. Neither are the millions of people who masturbate to a few same sex fantasies. There are no social repurcussions of fantasy without risk. I can't tell you who is bi. A person who has had a steady relationship with both genders? Someone who has sex with both genders at least once per year? Someone who has fantasies fairly equally divided between the genders? I don't know if it is definable, but there is a large swath of the population who never or seldom act on their same sex attractions, and for whom their private fantasies have minimal impact on their life or worldview. Suicidality is pretty squishy too, without some clear definition. And where are the real numbers here? If one percent of population A exhibits suicidality and six percent of population B does, we have 6 times, but do we have an epidemic? Whenever someone gives the x times routine, instead of the actual numbers, they are usually promoting an agenda, rather than informing.Chronic depression and the results, including suicide and shortened life expectancy, are much higher in the gay than the straight population. I think that's been verified. I'm sure they are also more prevalent in the actively bisexual population (in part depending on how it's defined). Without real statistics, however, (and they may be by nature unobtainable), the crisis of bisexual invisibility is unproved.